2/8/2023 Heavy Fighters Practise

Heavy fighters practise in Vienna

A warm welcome back to our travelling heavy fighters, who attended Red&Gold. We are convinced, that our heavy fighters practise efforts paid back. So we are looking forward to news from our neighbourghood, good adviced for further practise and exciting stories from abroud. See you as every Wednesday at the Vienna Hockey stadium in the Prater.

3/5/2023 Heavy Fighters Practise

Heavy Fighters encouradged by appointment of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport

Springtime is here and our heavy fighters preapare to fullfill their duty for society. Heavy Fighting combines, in the spirit of the Society for Creative Anachronism, arts and sports (that is, why it is called “marial ARTS”). Join our weekly heavy fighters practise at the lovely, green Vienna Prater hockey stadium.

Drachenwald Spring Crown Tournament 2023

Keldor av Skelitta gives Flose Thordson a heavy fighter wake-up tap in his first round at Spring Crown Tournament

A Crown Tournament is a peak level event in each Kingdom. At Spring Crown Tournament Drachwenwald´s keenest fighters were assembled at the muddy fields of Ittlingen (Knight´s Crossing) to find heirs for Drachenwald´s crown.

Best away fans: Ad Flumen Caerulum Ultras

14 fighters, lords and ladies, left- and righthanded met in heavy armored fighting. Ad Flumen Caerulum sent Lord Flose Thordson and Saidra ad Iscula. Alienor de Salignac chose to consort Master Aelric of Battle to underline the friendship with the Shire of Meadowmarsh. They where accompanied by a huge number of companions, meanwhile known as “AFC Ultras” (best away fans ever!).

Sir William attempts to plant Lord Flose into the wet soil of Ittlingen.

After endless struggles, glorious triumphs and sad losses, Sir Sven Gunnarsson won the honour of being Drachenwald´s next king.

Vivant to the Royalty and Drachenwald´s new heirs!

Our thanks go to the marvellous event staff, who managed reservation, feast kitchen and of course the tournament organization. So many helping hands from different regions working together show the solidarity between the regions. May there be many more!

Here are some heavy fighting videos from the Crown Tournament => Videos on Flickr

Boot Camp Meadowmarsh -Aftermath

Charge into the shieldwall as part of a melee scenario

The 2023 boot camp at the Shire of Meadowmarsh is over. We still think over the lessons learned and the new friends we have gained. We had some of Drachenwald´s finest fighters with us, who loved to share their experiences in theory and practise. Of course we took the opportunity to such a large bunch of heavy fighters for melee. Nothing is more exciting than the clash of two heavy fighter groups in full armor and full speed. Once more the superior tactics has more influence on the result as the induvidual quality of a fighter.

Wath here some videos from the melees: Melee Scenarios

Boot Camp Meadowmarsh 2023- Thanksgiving

Working class picture with part of Meadowmarsh Boot Camp kitchen crew.

To be guest at an event is always a great honour. We appreciate the countless hours of preparation by the event crew, the endless time spent for preparing, cooking and cleaning by the kitchen staff and the many helping hands that make an event unforgettable. Therefore we wish to thank our noble hosts, their supporters and the trainers at Meadowmarsh Boot Camp 2023. It was a great weekend!

16/3/2023 The Heavy Fighter´s Duedelsheim Anthem

Joyfull singing by the Ad Flumen Caerulum delegation at Boot Camp Meadowmarsh

The Duedelsheim Anthem (Düdelsheimer Hymne) is a contibution to the lovely place, where the Meadowmarsh Boot Camp takes place. To show our deep respect and admiration to our lovely hosts it is an old traditions, that our heavy fighters sing this song at the traditional feast. To sing along we provide the german lyrics here.

Düdelsheimer Hymne

Gesungen nach der Melodie “Wo die Nordseewellen rauschen”

Wo am Seemenbach ein kleines Dörfchen liegt,

wo der Storch die grünen Auen überfliegt,

dort, wo frohe Gäste kehren gerne ein,

da ist meine Heimat, mein schönes Düdelsheim.

Wo im Mttelpunkt ein stolzes Kirchlein steht,

wo ein alter Marktplatz zum Verweilen lädt,

wo die Glocken läuten uns den Abend ein,

da ist meine Heimat, mein schönes Düdelsheim.

Wo zur Wingert hin die bunten Blumen blüh´n,

wo die heim´schen Vögel singend drüber zieh´n,

wo die saft´gen Kirschen wachsen und gedeih´n,

da ist meine Heimat, mein schönes Düdelsheim.

Wo wir feiern mit Elan und großem Schwung,

voller Freude und im Herzen ewig jung,

ja dort lass mich leben, ja dort will ich sein,

Herrgott, du erhalt mir mein schönes Düdelsheim.

Those who are free of fear may listen to a typical interpretation (given at Düdelsheim, recorded 2014?)

=> https://www.xn--sca-sterreich-lmb.at/training-29-2/