sankhya philosophy ppt

350 C.E. These ten indriyas are evolutes of mind. The tanmtra-s seem to be uncompounded sensibilia; perhaps subtle elements or substances, each having only one sensible quality: sound, touch, visibility, taste and smell. An understanding Sankhya Philosophy is very helpful to comprehend the deep messages buried in the classic Vedic texts such as the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagav. A small scratch on the fender can send some owners into great angst, and they act quickly to repair the superficial damage. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Ishwara (Creationist God) The original school of Samkhya as founded by Sage Kapila. Step by step, starting from the lowest tattva-s, the material elements, and gradually reaching the intellect itself, the follower of Skhya must practice as follows: this constituent is not me; it is not mine; I am not this. When this has been fully interiorized with regard to all forms of Prakti, then arises the absolutely pure knowledge of the metaphysical solitude of purua: it is kevala, (alone), without anything external-material belonging to it. You can read the details below. When purusha came near, prakriti began to change.Once purusha activates prakriti, the first evolute arises; the first thing to appear out of the natural foundation of prakriti-pradhana is mahat, the great principle. Vedanta: Roots of Indian Philosophy Jan. 06, 2014 17 likes 8,770 views Report . This commentary, although incomparably simpler, still follows mature classical philosophical style, and was written by a master of all philosophies, respected for his works on all major schools. When the gunas are disturbed however through the presence of the purusha the equilibrium is destroyed, and creation, both gross and subtle, comes about. endobj This philosophy is one of the six major philosophies of the East Indian culture and one of the most significant of the six that has endured throughout time. The Samkhya Philosophy Sinha by Nandalal Sinha. <>>> endobj M.Ed 2nd Semister Year 2014-2015 Hence, there must be a separate purua for us all. It comes about through loosening the bond between purua and Prakti. The gods are of eight kinds; animals are of five kinds and humans, significantly, belongs to one group only (suggesting an egalitarianism with respect to humans). Download Free PDF Related Papers 2005 Elements: A further outpouring of Prakriti is when it bursts forth as the equivalent of space, as experienced in the subtle (non-physical) realm. But there are differences between the Samkhya and other forms of dualism. To debate or not debate: Some intellectuals will also debate furiously and endlessly about whether the ultimate nature of reality is dualistic or non-dualistic. In the commentaries it is normally explained as the view that the effect already exists in its cause prior to its production. It is absolute, independent, free, imperceptible, unknowable, above any experience and beyond any words or explanation. When prakrti's initial equilibrium is disturbed, it sets in motion a pattern of evolution which creates both the exterior physical world and the interior psychological world. We've encountered a problem, please try again. In the Skhya philosophy, purua is metaphorically considered to be masculine, but unlike our concept of virility it is absolutely inactive. It has attracted a commentary by Vijna Bhiku, the eminent Vedntist of the 16th century, entitledSkhya-Pravacana-Bhya or Commentary expounding Skhya. He also authored a small systematic treatise, the Skhya-Sra (The Essence of Skhya). Creation as we know it comes about by a conjunction of Nature and persons. The senses (powers of cognition, buddhndriya) are sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touchingthey are the abilities, not the physical organs themselves through which they operate. It is also frequently mentioned in the Mahabharata and Yogavasishta.Sankhya also has a strong cognitive theory built into it; curiously, while consciousness/spirit is considered to be radically different from any physical entities, the mind (manas), ego (ahamkara) and intellect (buddhi) are all considered to be manifestations of Prakrti (physical entity). The function of the buddhi (intellect) is specified as adhyavasya (determination); it can be understood as definite conceptual knowledge. Skhya analyzes manifest Praktithe world, both physical and mentalinto three omnipresent aspects, the gua-s. A fault of the sense-organs or an inattentive mind can also cause a failure of perception. It was the starting point of a tradition of sub-comments continuing to the present day. (Peter Pan) Purusha avataras Yamaraja (Prison Warden) 8. The first premise of Skhya is the universal fact of suffering. Of the latter the highest is intellect or buddhi: it is not conscious, but through its closeness to purua it appears to be so. The two types of entities of Skhya are Prakti and purua-s, namely Nature and persons. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. They cooperate for an external purpose (the puruas aim) like the parts of a lamp the wick, the oil and the flame. This bond was originally produced by the curiosity of the soul, and it is extremely strong because the ego identifies our selves with our empirical state: the body and the more subtle organs, including the material psyche. Epistemology of SamkhyaAccording to the Samkhya school, knowledge is possible through three pramanas (means of knowledge) -Pratyaksha - direct sense perception Samkhya cites out two types of perceptions:1. The name of the first gua, sattva, means sat-ness, where the participle sat means being, existent, real, proper, good. This is the liberation of purua, in Skhya, normally called kaivalya (isolation). It is pure consciousness: it enjoys and witnesses Praktis activities, but does not cause them. SANKHYA The older (6th cent. Show: Recommended. Larson, Gerald James, and Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, eds. According to the Indian tradition, the first masters of Skhya are Kapila and his disciple suri. Sankhya Skhya (often spelled Skhya) is one of the major "orthodox" (or Hindu) Indian philosophies. The elements we have seen before: space, air, fire, water, and earth. The basic series is as follows: From prakrti emerges mahat ("the great one"), also called buddhi. Such textual evidence confirms that by the beginning of our era, Indian common opinion considered Skhya as very ancient. Hopefully, by better understanding the general process below, the meditation processes and practices of the Yoga Sutras will be clearer. Cutting the root of rebirth is the only way to final emancipation from suffering, according to Skhya. 4 0 obj Sankhya is thus the foundation for the Yoga described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras . As the immaterial soul, purua is not known through direct perception. However, it is evident that the opposite is true: our experiences are inherently diverse and private, and they cannot be directly shared. Sankhya philosophy unit2 Diksha Verma . Moreover, Skhya concepts and terminology frequently appear in the portion of the Vedas known as the Upaniads, notably in the Kaha and the vetvatara. Their mutual functioning is described using the metaphor of the lame man (purusha) being carried by the blind man (prakrti). It is stated in the last stanza that it is a condensation of the whole ai-Tantra, leaving out only stories and debates. If there were one purua only, all bodies should be identical or at least indistinguishable for the function of the self orpurua is to be a supervisor of the body. The refuge offered by traditional Vedic religion is similarly unsatisfactoryit does not lead to complete purification (mainly because it involves bloody animal sacrifices), and the rewards it promises are all temporary: even after a happy and prolonged stay in heaven one will be reborn on Earth for more suffering. Panch karma indriya or five organs of action - The organs of action are hands, legs, vocal apparatus, urino-genital organ and anus. The evolution ceases when the spirit realises that it is distinct from primal Nature and thus cannot evolve. Documents; Philosophy; Sankhya Purusa. PSYCHOLOGICAL . 1: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda1st Edition by Dr. Vasant Lad Topics traditionally emphasized by Kapila, Isvarakrishna, and later writers are the theory of causation, the metaphysical duality of conscious souls (purushas) and non-conscious nature (prakriti), the evolution of the world ou of prakriti, the concept of liberation (kaivalya), and the theory of knowledge.While many people believe that it was always an atheistic school of thought, in fact Samkhya passed through both theistic and atheistic stages of development as Gupta explains: "In the classical Skhya both dualism and atheism are visible in clear and vivid forms. They too evolve from the sattva aspect of AhamkaraPanchtanmatras or five subtle elements - evolves from the Tamas aspect of Ahamkara. sankhya: Indian school of philosophy. So it has a purely cognitive and a material function as welllike so many principles of Skhya. is considered by several modern scholars as a version of Skhya. Another putative ancient master of Skhya, Pacaikha, seems to be more historical, and may have been the author of the original ai-Tantra. Prakti, or Nature, is comprised of three gua-s or qualities. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. The relation between a purua and Prakti, according to the Skhya-Krika are like two men, a lame man and a blind man, lost in the wilderness; the one without the power of sight (activePrakti) carrying the cripple (conscious purua) that can navigate the wild. Samkhya, also Sankhya, (Sanskrit: , IAST: Skhya - Enumeration) is one of the six schools of classical Indian philosophy. The unmanifest form of Prakti contrasts with the manifest form in being single, uncaused, eternal, all-pervasive, partless, self-sustaining, independent and inactive; it is aligin (known from inference only). Once the sensations have been processed, categorized and interpreted properly, they become determinate perceptions. These in turn yield the elements (bhta, mahbhta). Only purusha is conscious. Unfortunately this text received very little response in classical times; in fact it was hardly known outside Kashmir. Hungary, Skhyas Existential Quandary and Solution. #/l&_JZ5x-]~ O2vMs_u>-#.7or,,mo,BN]1psOp}[Aa#{ The final problem with Samkhya was its strict dualism. However, each philosophy recognizes the principle of karma, the cycle of birth and death, and reincarnation. Two millennia ago it was the representative Hindu philosophy. And these senses are themselves the objects of cognition of the psyche (which in turn is comprised of three facultiesthe mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), and the ego (ahakra). Parinama denotes that the effect is a real transformation of the cause. sankhya Theory of Causation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. I want to impress on your mind that we are bound to listen to him as the great father of philosophy. Purua, the name of the first tattva (reality) literally means man in Sanskrit (though it often is used for the wider concept of person in Sanskrit and the Skhya system, as the Skhya system holds that all sentient beings are embodied purua-s: not simply male humans). In later texts, illumination and reflection are the standard models for this connection (purua is said to illuminate Prakti, and Prakti reflects the nature of purua), thus solving the problem of how Prakti and purua can seemingly borrow eachothers properties without affecting eachothers essential state. Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite. Skhya is silent about the Vedas, about their guardians (the Brahmins) and for that matter about the whole caste system, and about the Vedic gods; and it is slightly inimical towards the animal sacrifices that characterized the ancient Vedic religion. Determinate perceptions are the mature state of perceptions which have been processed and differentiated appropriately. Skhya (often spelled Skhya) is one of the major orthodox (or Hindu) Indian philosophies. The answer emerging, first in Vcaspati Mira and then more elaborately in Vijna Bhiku, involves the innovation of the theory of reflection: as the image in the mirror has no effect on the object reflected and the mirror remains unchanged, but the image can be seen so the unchanging purua can reflect the external world, and the material psyche can react to this reflection. They subdue, give birth to and copulate with each other. Although purua is not actually bound by any external force, it is an enchanted observer that cannot take his eyes off from the performance. It is very first of the evolutes of Prakriti. And before that, in the Creation-hymn of the g-Veda (X. It is devoid of the gua-s, and therefore inactive and sterile (unable to produce). The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya) Dr Kanchan Saxena The Sankhya Philosophy The Samkhya system advocates the ontological dualism of Prakriti and . Because of that, it is probably more correct to understand the Samkhyan theory of creation in terms of an evolution or unfolding rather than an emanation. Is the uncaused causeIs eternal, indestructibleIt is formless limitless, immobile and immanentIt has position but no magnitudeIt is seat of all manifestation, the normal cause of phenomenal worldIt is not produce, yet it brings everything else into existence, Prakrati has three Gunas to accounts for diversified object of experienceSattva which is real or existence, it is the power of nature and devoid of excitement and cause of equilibrium. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. From these, all of the many objects of the external world are composed. Prakti as unmanifest, pure potentiality is the substrate of the whole world, while in her manifest form she has twenty-three interdependent structures (tattva-s). But, according to Skhya, all of them are of limited efficacy and at best can offer only temporary relief. Ahamkara or ego-sense - second product of evolution. Image taken from: Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol. It is also realistic in its attitude towards the phenomenal world. Here Purusha stands for the Supreme Self and Prakriti stands for Matter. According to a simile, thepurua is the lord of the house, the tripartite psyche is the door-keeper and the senses are the doors. Tamas that restrain, obstruct the other two to evolve. Of course, the gods of Skhya are not classical Judeo-Christian-Muslim God; they are just extra-long-lived, perhaps very powerful beings within the empirical world, themselves compounds of matter and soul. 3 0 obj One way to understand this process of the senses being evolutes of mind is to notice what happens when you fall asleep, into dreamless sleep. Pra = before , Kr = produceWhich existed before anything was producedThe primary source of all things the original substance out of which all things will eventually returnAlso called Pradhan = Primary matter and Avyakt = Non manifest Something cannot come out of nothingMaterial universe evolve from the Prkrati, Mahat is the first motion that arises in the supreme ideal universeIt is the first product of cosmic substanceIt is the first appearance in the universe, the order that fulfills the ultimate destiny of natureIt pervades all space and permeates all manifestationsIt is the stage where the undifferentiated energy determines upon a definite direction, towards a well defined line of evolutionIt is caused by a spiritual (karmic) stress that upsets the equilibrium of the Cosmic substance and sets in motion Rajas guna which manifest as pure light.Mahat or Buddhi: This is the purest, finest spark of individuation of Prakriti (primordial matter). In varakas SkhyaKrik, however, the inactivity of the purua does not seem to involve absolute incapability for change: the same word (a-kriya, without activity) is used also for the unmanifest nature, the substrate of all material manifestations. =i{2( /#?X?r(F@wR(stf7q{:+CVSf"#~d:A7G!q*> Y%,P`hS&{d;%S9r]uRSkk$df3WJba84,rjk4:W Dr Kanchan Saxena. sankhya: Indian school of philosophy. So it seems that on the material plane,buddhi is the locus of cognition, emotion, moral judgment and volition. The eleven powers (indriya) are mind (manas), the senses and the powers of action (karmendriya), the biological faculties. The ego contributes personal perspective to knowledge claims. Panchjnanaindriya or five sense organs - also evolves from the sattva aspect of Ahamkara. And in fact much of the philosophy of Yoga (as formulated by Patajali ca. Samkhya's strict adherence to its pluralistic purusha was one of its major downfalls. Rajas, the name of the second gua, means atmosphere, mist, and dust. The first meaning is acceptable, as Skhya is very fond of sets, often naming them as triad, the group of eleven, and so forth; but the second meaning is more fitting, as the aim of Skhya is to take into account all the important factors of the whole world, especially of the human condition. Skhya thus denotes the system of enumeration or taking account. Jawahar Fatma How can there be countless individual purushas, each one all-knowing and infinite, without each purusha running afoul of all the other purushas. If Prakti is equated with Matter, purua may be equated with the soul. ), a condensed account in seventy-two verses. 420 B.C.E.) There is only external awareness about an object. Proto-Samkhya speculation also appears in the Katha Upanishad (about 4th century b.c.e. xn6=@v1V($3YfwE/rey=l(+;_Ij.,^Lt9?.cdqr}~vqKIE_Q?J=J_|q~$?}y+^2'5.=:Ui^rBYb06FrC. Tamas is the Dullness, Dark, stupid, ugly, and the sloth. Addeddate 2019-09-27 06:23:41 Identifier thesamkhyaphilosophysinha Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t5bd1x01f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. How this comes about is left somewhat of a mystery. 2 0 obj The Sankhya Philosophy (contd..) It cannot be the locus of our whole emotional life (passions are explicitly said to reside in the intellect), but it must be considered the final source of our conscious feelings. Purua is unable to move Prakti, but Prakti is able to respond topuruas presence and intentions. If this looks difficult: If this information is new to you, and looks difficult or confusing, please keep in mind that there are only a small number of principles on the charts above (about 25-30, depending on how you count them). The system is predominantly intellectual and theoretical. Topics traditionally emphasized by Kapila, Isvarakrishna, and later writers are the theory of causation, the metaphysical duality of conscious souls (purushas) and non-conscious nature (prakriti), the evolution of the world ou of prakriti, the concept of liberation (kaivalya), and the theory of knowledge.While many people believe that it was always an atheistic school of thought, in fact Samkhya passed through both theistic and atheistic stages of development as Gupta explains: "In the classical Skhya both dualism and atheism are visible in clear and vivid forms. Skhya is very fond of numbers, and in its classical form it is the system of 25 realities (tattva-s). They belong to antiquity (and sometimes, prehistory) and are known only through ancient legends. It is cause of mass weight and inertia. Of varaka we know nothing; he may have lived around 350 C.E., in any case after the composition of the foundational text of the Nyya school of Indian philosophy, known as the Nyya-Stra, and before the famous Buddhist philosopher, Vasubandhu. In evolution, Prakriti is transformed and differentiated into multiplicity of objects. The Sankhya system derives its name from the word Sankhya meaning number, since it enumerates the metaphysical principles of reality. Besides the Krik there are two other important foundational texts of Skhya. 1 of 9 Ad. While individual and separate, they are connected because each purusha is eternal and infinite. All Time. If purusha is distinct from prakriti, how can it ever become entangled in the first place?2 -- It is interesting to consider mind as a sense. ), where reference is made to the following ascending sequence:senses (indriyas) sense objects (elements) mind (manas) intellect (buddhi) great self (mahan atman) the unmanifest (avyakta) the Person (Purusha) Although the school of Samkhya as such was systematized by the legendary Kapila, and the Samkhya-sutra traditionally attributed to him, in its present form it is not his original work, but dates from the 15th century.Evolution of the Samkhya SchoolOne of the Six Schools of traditional Hindu philosophy, Samkhya philosophy is also considered to be the oldest. Nature and thus can not evolve its major downfalls ( isolation ) and Prakti thus... Prison Warden ) 8 we have seen before: space, air,,... Prakti is able to respond topuruas presence and intentions is specified as adhyavasya ( determination ) ; can. 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